Resign Letter From the Post Of Lecturer In Finance
This article discuss about Notifications Of Resigning From the Post Of Lecturer In Finance (Temporary). I think everybody wants to know about Resign Letter. It is the best article for SSC & HSC.
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How do I write (লিখা) a resignation letter in (শব্দ) Word ?
Dear [Mr/Ms]. [Supervisor Name], I am writing to tender my resignation from my position (স্থান) of [Position Held] with (সাথে) effect from [Resignation Date Requested]. [Reason for Resignation – You can (পারা) copy and paste one of the reasons from (থেকে) below].
What is resign letter ?
When someone wants to resign his or her job then he or she need to write a resign. This letter is very important to resign jobs.
Sample Resignation Letter
[Your Name বা নাম দিতে হবে ]
[Street • City • State • Zip Code বা ঠিকানাগুলো দিতে হবে পর্যায়ক্রমে]
[Phone # • Fax phone # • Messages phone # • Email বা ফোন নাম্বার ও ই-মেইল দিলেই হবে]
[Date today]
[Recipient’s name]
[Company name]
Dear [Recipient’s name]:
Please accept this letter as my formal notice (নোটিশ) of resignation from [Company name], effective [date, two weeks from date above]. The associations I’ve made during my employment here (এখানে) will truly be memorable for years to come.
I hope a two-week notice is sufficient for (জন্য) you to find a replacement for me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know.
Thank you very (খুব) much for the opportunity to work here.
[Sign here]
[Your name, title]
cc [Names for copies]
Resign Letter First Published 11th February 2023